2019 Insurance Legislative Wrap-Up
AOB – The session started with a bold prediction; “AOB would pass this session.” The question was if it would be significant in combating the problem of AOB’s and their impact as a significant cost driver on property and auto glass costs. It was decided early on to treat both auto glass and homeowners abuses […]
Read MoreCBD Oil in Alcoholic Beverages
In Late April, the Federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (“TTB”) issued a notice on the addition of CBD oil to alcoholic beverages. For reference, TTB must approve all new formulas of alcoholic beverages sold in the US, even if sold only within a single state. Notably (and not surprisingly) TTB has taken […]
Read More2019 Passed Healthcare Bills
Summary of successful key health care policy reform legislation. HB23 Telehealth On Monday April 29, the Florida Senate passed HB 23, which establishes criteria for out-of-state providers for the provision of health care services in this state remotely, via telephone, internet or any other such mode of long-distance transmission. The bill permits, but does not […]
Read MoreFlorida Cat Fund an example for California Wildfire Risk
Given California’s recent catastrophic fires and the difficulty experienced by its property insurance carriers in recovery of their losses through subrogation, it is important to evaluate facilities that can help the state maintain a healthy and competitive private insurance market. Failure to do so may lead to the creation and expansion of quasi-governmental residual market […]
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